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CD-ROM drive recommendation

Question: I am planing to buy a new CD-ROM drive. Any tips?

Answer: Angela has a TEAC CD516S (SCSI), which also has an ATAPI version, and she is very satisfied with it. The drive should theoretically read at 16 speed - on the A3000 we could only measure 12 speed. But the drive has a number of advantages:

These tests were carried out with a TEAC CD516S, firmware version 1.0D. The firmware version 1.0g is reputedly even better and resolves a few problems. e.g. firmware version 1.0D swaps the audio channels of the TEAC, but this has been resolved in firmware version 1.0g. Therefore we recommend updating to 1.0g.

Note: the new version of this drive, the TEAC CD532, is supposed to be good too.

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