VolatileConfigTree Member List

This is the complete list of members for VolatileConfigTree, including all inherited members.

FileConfigTree(const string &root, bool oldLayout)FileConfigTree
flush()VolatileConfigTree [inline, virtual]
getChildren(const string &path)FileConfigTree [virtual]
getRootPath() const FileConfigTree [virtual]
hidden enum valueConfigTree
open(const string &path, PropertyType type, const string &otherId=string(""))FileConfigTree [virtual]
other enum valueConfigTree
PropertyType enum nameConfigTree
reset()FileConfigTree [virtual]
visible enum valueConfigTree
VolatileConfigTree()VolatileConfigTree [inline]
~ConfigTree()ConfigTree [inline, virtual]

Generated on Sat Oct 18 17:17:06 2008 for SyncEvolution and Funambol by  doxygen